Georgiy Grankord

Scientist, writer, English
and German teacher, researcher of human consciousness

3 facts about me in numbers

  • 18
    18 years of teaching experience
  • 1 300
    more than 1,300 happy students
  • 5
    Author of 4 books and 1 textbook

Aspects of my personality

Georgiy Grankord as a teacher

The highest level of professionalism, multiplied by the long-term practice of teaching people of different age, social status and intellectual abilities in conjunction with the knowledge of psychology gave rise to a unique Master, Mentor and Teacher ...
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Georgiy Grankord as a scientist

George Grankord is the only serious western researcher of the most ancient cult: the great cult of Mother Kali, who is regarded as the Mother of all things, the great Mother of gods and people. The purpose of the research is to return the lost knowledge to people for the sake of saving humanity in Kali-yuga.

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Georgiy Grankord as an author of books

Mr. Grankord has a unique literary gift. He writes novels, short stories, fairy tales, essays, analytical and popular science prose, textbooks.

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Georgiy Grankord as a public figure

Our goal is to develop Consciousness and awareness in contemporaries, increase their level of development, and return Russia to Her genuine role in the world: to be a source of inspiration for the whole humankind.
Our efforts are aimed at reviving the cult of veneration of the Vedic gods, raising funds for the construction of temple complexes dedicated to the goddesses Kali, Lakshmi and Saraswati.

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Georgiy Grankord — Enlightened Master.

Georgiy Grankord is an Enlightened Master. He is that to whom the causes of diseases, problems and misfortunes of other people are revealed from Above.

The unique Knowledge of this divine man is the result of both his own efforts, insights and discoveries, and the special mercy of the Divine Mother Kali to him, who granted him the right to call himself Her Son.

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Georgiy Grankord — Kali Temple

In 2019 when I was in Mauritius I had a vision of Mother Kali in one of the Hindu temples of the island. Maa was standing and looking at me with eyes of unimaginable beauty, and in them - these amazing eyes - was all the Knowledge, Power and Wisdom.

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Georgiy Grankord — Power meditations

The Great Mother of gods and people Goddess Kali opens the way for people of our time to heal them from diseases of soul and body.

Through her beloved son Georgiy She gives people Great

Knowledge: Power meditations that lead practitioners to the

experience that completely transforms them into a free, happy

and enlightened being of a higher level of consciousness.

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Georgiy Grankord — The founder of Markalinism

Georgiy Grankord is the founder of the universal progressive world religion of the Third Millennium named Markalinism which aims to unite peoples, existing religions and national cultures on the basis of reverence for the Great Mother of Gods and people Kali, who was revered by the Slavs and by peoples of the ancient world as Mara.

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  • Georgiy Grankord
    scientist, public figure
    God has ordained man to be a great being.
    But this greatness lies in the potential hidden in him,
    and it depends only on the person himself whether he will be able to unlock this potential, in other words, whether he will be able to find true greatness.
  • Georgiy Grankord
    scientist, public figure
    Ignorance is the only source of all human troubles, misfortune and sufferings. Therefore, it is necessary to make every possible effort to come out of the darkness of ignorance into the Light of Knowledge, in other words, to achieve Enlightenment and become a Self-realized God-pleasing and God-like being.