Power meditations
The Great Mother of gods and people Goddess Kali opens the way for people of our time to heal them from diseases of soul and body.
Through her beloved son Georgiy She gives people Great Knowledge: Power meditations that lead practitioners to the experience that completely transforms them into a free, happy and enlightened being of a higher level of consciousness. These meditations should be practiced daily, preferably at the same time, with full immersion in them. Nothing should distract you from your practice or interrupt your meditation. By practicing consistently for 40 days you get the result you need. Through meditation you connect with the divine Power that knows the way. You completely trust yourself to It. You allow yourself to be rich, healthy, happy, with the power and ability to create a beautiful life around you. By transforming yourself you transform the world around you. This is an ancient law. Changing yourself in the meditation of Power for the better, you automatically change your environment for the better. And it has a beneficial effect on all aspects of your own life.

Meditation is a certain exercise performing which a person
receives important spiritual experience the result of which is a
qualitative improvement in his/her life.

The purpose of meditation is to change our life in the way we
need. If we are poor, we will be rich. If we lack love and
recognition, in the end we will have both the first and the second one, and we will have them in abundance. If we don't
understand something, meditation will give us the missing
understanding. If we are sick, we will be healthy. If we are
dependent, we will be free.
Meditation is the science of sciences and the art of arts. It
opens up endless opportunities for self-improvement for us.
If I had an opportunity, I would place meditation classes into the category of compulsory subjects both in primary and secondary schools, and in higher educational institutions as well.

Meditations must be practiced at every enterprise, at every
workplace, both before the start of the working day and during
the working day. What for?

It's easy to understand: when you meditate your brain moves to a qualitatively different, higher level of activity which results in not only an increase in energy but also in discoveries and
revelations, the appearance of those very insights that help to
solve existing problems qualitatively and quickly.

The main thing is that meditations help to solve problems in the right direction and with minimal expenditure of resources. Thus, meditation is such a unique kind of spiritual activity that is beneficial ... even economically, not to mention the qualitative improvement of human nature itself.
Our meditations - POWER MEDITATIONS - have been created with the blessing of the Great Goddess Mother Kali in a special place of power therefore they are filled with Her healing energy that stimulates our development.

Great Kali wants all good people to be happy and get what they deserve in their lives. That is why She gives people through Georgiy - Her son - this important evolutionary tool: power meditations.

All you need is daily practice.

Without missing a single day. If you practice regularly and
carefully the desired result will come sooner than you think. I
recommend meditating for 40 days. 40 is a mystical number
after which that usually comes what you want to achieve in your practice.

The first two meditations are basic and they are given for free
for everyone: this is our gift for those who sincerely want to
achieve peace and gain access to the Power in themselves.
The first meditation is a meditation of Power and Calmness.
It helps our mind to calm down, and a person finds harmony
with himself/herself and with the world around him/her. This
meditation lays the necessary foundation for further practice. A
calm mind is the foundation of any genuine progress so do not
neglect this first meditation but practice it regularly.
The first meditation is a meditation of Power and Calmness.
It helps our mind to calm down, and a person finds harmony
with himself/herself and with the world around him/her. This
meditation lays the necessary foundation for further practice. A
calm mind is the foundation of any genuine progress so do not
neglect this first meditation but practice it regularly.
The second meditation is the meditation of Purity and Power. It
helps us to connect to a higher Power, the one that knows the
Way and will be our blessing on it as well as our protection. An
important part of this meditation is the study of all energy
centers and their purification from negativity. Purity and Power
are the necessary components of genuine success, so regular
practice of this meditation leads a person to success on the