The genuine humankind

Why does a person live below his decent level? Why does its evolution turn out to be a decline and degeneration? Who is leading humanity to destruction, and are there any forces capable of resisting the dark ones?
The author gives unconventional answers to these and other questions, guided by the message of Enlightened Beings, as well as by what gives him his own vision.
The way to a better world can be found in the person himself — this is the Author's message to the reader.

From slavery to freedom

The book touches on the most pressing problems of our time, which the author reveals through the prism of a parasitic management system and the construction of a modern society that generates all the problems that exist today. The phenomenon of social parasitism permeates not only the socio-political structure, but also religion, education, science distorting everything it touches for the sake of power and the enrichment of a few.

Is there a way out of the slavery and lie in which we live? Is a healthy society possible?

"From Slavery to Freedom" is a book for those who are tired of dragging out a slave existence and long for a free world built not on deception, coercion and exploitation, but on a Mind enlightened by Knowledge that, in union with Conscience and Love, are able to build a society that serves each individual, developing the best in a person for the sake of Love, Preservation of Human Life and Evolution.

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Book of Horus

The Book of Horus is a Gift of Awareness to modern humanity. A book that wakes you up from a narcotic dream. A book that explains objective reality, giving simple and clear answers to the deep questions of life. Ancient Gods and degenerates, parenting and the parasitic system, a just society and the illusions of people - like life itself, the list of issues covered by the Author is wide. The book was written by numerous requests of readers and may be of interest to anyone who knows how to think and use their brain for its intended purpose.

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The book is written based on the results of an expedition undertaken by the Author to the Russian North in order to find People of Knowledge there — descendants of the Great Aryans who lived on the sunken miraculous continent of Daaria.

Meeting them, traveling to a village living in a communal way, their views on society and man make us reconsider the existing and generally accepted view of the world. The author managed to visit the Underground Country and meet its inhabitants, whose level of development is far ahead of the knowledge and capabilities of modern people. This, as well as his meeting with a Resident — a Man who has been living for more than 5,000 years, make the book truly sensational.

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English textbook

Here is the best Textbook for learning 12 tenses of the English language. The basic Principle of the Textbook: one lesson — one time.
The textbook has a clear and understandable structure. All the texts are original author's about Rich Zolotov and his family. They are a cross-section of the vices and trends of our time.

Cool vocabulary for each text, lots of entertaining exercises and topics for conversational communication, interesting translations from Russian. The textbook touches on many topical problems of modern man, teaches him to think, learn and achieve his goals.

Be careful! Language is a reflection of life. Therefore, the author also included in it a part of profanity and stylistically reduced vocabulary, as a powerful and one of the most commonly used components of the language. Therefore, we put the label 16+

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