MARKALINISM is a religion of the Third millennium. I, Georgiy Grankord, have the honor to present to you its main provisions:
1. Goddess Kali is the Highest form of the Divine mind, which took form in the manifested universe. She is the Great Mother of gods and people. There is no one higher than the Great Mother Kali. Among the Slavs, this great goddess was named Mara. And we have reason to believe that Mara is the original name of the goddess, so we put Her name first in the name of the religion named by us as Markalinism.

The word "Markalinism" is formed from two components: "Mara" and "Kali". The name "Mara" means "Mother of Light". "Ma" is "Mother", "Ra" is "Light of Knowledge".
The name "Kali" means "time", "fate" and "death". This name is also translated as "black". Accordingly,

Markalinism is the religion of the Mother of Light, who - in our Age of Sin - is seen as Black and who controls time, fate and death.

2. All the gods of the world's existing religions, religious movements and sects were created by Her. Therefore, they are all Her - Kali and Mara’s - creatures.

3. All people, regardless of race, nationality or religion, were created by the goddess Kali (Mara), therefore, all people have one common Mother whose name is Mother Kali (Mother Mara).

4. As both gods and humans are creatures of the Great Mother, they are all brothers and sisters to each other. Consequently, people have

no objective reasons for enmity, hatred and quarrels, as they are all created by the same Goddess, that is, they are all members of the same human family.

5. In addition to the creation of gods and people, the goddess Kali-Mara performs the following functions:
- creation, maintenance and destruction of the universe;
- the destruction of demons and people with demonic mentality;
- destruction of illusions and false Self or selfishness, protection of life in the universe;
- supervision of the observance of the law of Karma so that - in the end - sinners are punished and the righteous are rewarded. Therefore, the goddess Kali-Mara is the goddess of Karma and Justice;
- creation of conditions for the evolution and development of the brain, soul, and improvement of the spirit of living beings;
- support of any processes aimed at the growth and multiplication of spirituality in living beings.
6. Goddess Kali (Mara) is Light, Truth and Life for the righteous and Darkness, Fear and Death for sinners. In the age of sin - Kali Yuga - She is seen by people as a Dark Mother, because people's deeds are evil. To the righteous She appears as a beautiful young woman with a dazzling white skin color emitting radiance. She has black hair, an inexpressibly beautiful dress of red or white color, and in her hand she holds a sickle (Mara) or a sickle-shaped sword (Kali).

7. Worshippers in spirit and truth of the goddess of Life, Death and Time - Kali (Mara) - are freed from their sins and negative karma . The highest sacrifice and gift to the Mother goddess is a donation for the construction of temples to the goddess Kali-Mara as there is nothing harder for a modern man than to give their money free of charge because most people are greedy. A person who sacrifices to the Great Mother is like a beautiful flower in Her heavenly garden, which She personally takes care of.

8. The greatest sin is selfishness. Selfishness is the basis of all sins. By honoring the Great Mother and freeing oneself from the false Self, one acts wisely and attains enlightenment.

9. The highest goal of serving the Mother goddess Kali-Mara is to reveal one's own divinity through service to become like God in a human body, to overcome the laws of this world and the restrictions associated with them in order to change and improve them.

10. The enlightenment of this world, the raising of all people from the darkness of ignorance and limited isolation within their own ego is the goal and task of the religion of the Third Millennium named Markalinism.

11. The goal of Markalinism is to create a new type of person in whom the qualities of a sage, a scientist, a warrior and a statesman will be fully manifested. Consequently, a society consisting of super-personalities is invincible and is the highest form of evolution of the Mind at this stage of its historical development.

12. The goal of Markalinism is to serve the highest ideals of Goodness, Justice and Knowledge as following the highest values leads a person to the highest achievements in life.

13. Markalinism is a religion created with the direct and immediate blessing of the Goddess Mara (She is Kali). This is a religion based on the oldest and most powerful Energies of the Forces of Mara and Kali, returning to planet Earth in their new capacity in the era of destruction of old religions based on ignorance and exploitation of some and
parasitism of others. The highest goal of Markalinism is to raise the entire planet to a divine level of development, so that ignorance and evil will never again have a foothold, strength and power here.
You can send your donations for the construction of the Goddess Kali Temple:

Learn more about Markalinism in the video

Markalinism. Symbol of Faith

1. I believe in the single Great Mother Goddess who created Gods and people, the
universe with all the flora and fauna available in it, all visible and
invisible worlds and dimensions of reality and their inhabitants.

2. I believe in Mahamara and Mahakali - in the great goddess Mara and in the great
goddess Kali - as the Great Mother Goddess. Mahamara and Mahakali are identical
to each other, form one whole and perform the same functions.

3. I believe that all the female deities of religions, religious movements and cults
known to the world are different hypostases of the Great Mother Goddess, who is
One in essence, but multiple in persons.

4. I believe in the ultimate triumph of the Light of Knowledge over the Darkness of
ignorance, in the triumph of Justice, Truth and Love, whose victory is
guaranteed by Mahamara and Mahakali.

5. I believe in the supreme destiny of man. It consists in achieving divinity,
merging with the Mother Goddess and qualitatively transforming society based on
developed spirituality, knowledge and selfless service.

For more details watch the video


Religion of the third millennium, religion of the future, religion of the 21st century, goddess Mara, goddess Kali, markalinism, goals of a new religion, goals of Markalinism, creation of a new type of man, enlightenment of the world, Georgiy Grankord, service to the mother goddess, egoism is the basis of all sins, goddess of time, goddess of death, goddess of fate Kali, goddess of fate Mara, Great Mother of Gods, description of goddess Mara, description of goddess Kali, Dark Mother, Kali yuga, when Kali yuga ends, functions of goddess Kali, functions of goddess Mara, goddess of Karma, goddess of Justice, creation maintenance and destruction of the universe, mother Mara, mother Kali, a single religion of the future, a universal world religion, the unification of all religions around one, the religion of the mother of light, the meaning of the name Kali, the meaning of the name Mara, the meaning of the syllable ra, the meaning of the syllable ma, the religion by Grankord
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