Georgiy Grankord — a public figure

Georgiy Grankord — a public figure

At the moment, our public activities are focused on educating people and giving them the results of our research, as well as revelations received from Above in the form of our video speeches and articles that lie in the sphere of our scientific interests.
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In order for the world to see better times and the interests of the evolution of the human species to be put into the basis of state policy, a single religion and faith based on the veneration of the Divine Mother is needed, capable of reconciling and absorbing all existing religions, cults and contradictions. Kalinism can become such a unified religion - the veneration of the Great Goddess in the form of the goddess Kali, as well as other forms of Mother, known as Lakshmi and Saraswati.
Our work is also focused on solving a fundamental problem, namely,
on returning Russia's position and status which it has been unjustly deprived of over the past few centuries. The status of the only superpower that is a source of inspiration for the rest of the world.
As a part of this super task, we aim to create the information and political tools necessary for its successful solution.
To organize meetings, speeches, presentations with my participation, as well as on all issues of cooperation, please contact me in any convenient way:

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