Doctor of Philosophy

Field of scientific interests:

Human Evolution/Involution
Society and the metaphysics of its development
Racology (the science of the history of the origin of races)
Degeneratology (the science of degeneration and degradation)
Religions and spiritual teachings of the peoples of the world
History of Russia and World History
History of capitalism, a comparative historical analysis of the West, Russia and the East.
Cult of the Goddess Kali

Georgiy Grankord is the only serious researcher of the most ancient cult: the great cult of Mother Kali who is regarded as the Mother of all things, the great Mother of gods and people. The purpose of the research is to return the lost knowledge to people for the sake of saving humanity in Kali-yuga.

Georgiy Grankord is the only serious researcher of the most ancient cult: the great cult of Mother Kali, who is regarded as the Mother of all things, the great Mother of gods and people. The purpose of the research is to return the lost knowledge to people for the sake of saving humanity in Kali-yuga.

According to the Vedas, humanity at this stage of its existence is in the age of Kali - the time of loss of morality, the time of the triumph of ignorance, greed, hypocrisy, human exploitation by man and total lies and falsification.
More about Kali-Yuga

The way out of this plight lies through the resumption of the cult of reverence for the Mother and, as a result, the return of the Divine Mother’s energies to our world. It will lead to the salvation of the world and its transformation into the world of the evolutionary-ascending plan of Creation.
More about Goddess Kali…

What can be more valuable in any person's life than his mother?

The same can be said about spiritual life. There is no cult more exalted than the worship of the Divine Mother. It is through the revival of this ancient cult that a new religion will be established on Earth, in which all other religions of the world will find reconciliation: this is the religion of worship of the Divine Mother which has two main forms: the form of the goddess Parvati who creates all forms of life, and the form of the goddess Kali who destroys those forms that because of their egoism close the path to further development for themselves.

In addition to Parvati, the goddess of Nature and Kali, the goddess of Destruction, we worship such forms of the Great Mother as Lakshmi, the goddess of Wealth and Abundance, and Saraswati, the goddess of Knowledge.
One of the oldest laws says: "What you look up to is what you turn into."
If you look up to gods, you become a god. You look up to pigs, you become a pig.

Just as a child looks up to adults and tries to imitate them in everything, so we humans should look up to the gods and imitate them in everything, trying to be like them, be like them in everything.

To do this, it is necessary to begin to erect temples of the Mother, in which people will be able to come into contact with Her divine energies and qualitatively transform their lives.

I urge you to take part in the construction of a temple complex dedicated to the Goddess Kali that is going to be the first both in Russia and in the Western world.

This temple will be the first in a chain of temples dedicated to the ancient gods.

You can send your donations for the construction of the temple of Mother Kali to the following accounts:

Beneficiary Bank
Bank address: St.Denisovskaya 8A, 220006, Minsk,
Republic of Belarus
IBAN: BY72IRJS3014ZZ64300064423100

Beneficiary Bank
account: 40817978651034001251